Member benefits include:
Ecoletter - Members receive the quarterly newsletter published by the WWOA.
Water and Waste Operators Short Courses - WWOA awards several full scholarships to the Annual Short Courses.
Annual Tri-Association Conference - WWOA awards several full scholarships to the Annual Tri-Con at member prices. Attendance provides training for recertification and an exhibit hall for displays of new and innovative technology.
WWOA Board and Section Training Conferences - These conferences are held periodically to provide training for recertification, updates relating to our professions, tours of other facilities, and the opportunity to meet other professionals in the field.
Awards - Members are eligible for recognition of special achievement through distinguished service and training awards presented at the Annual Conference.
NOTE to Expired Members - Login to your account and renew online. (If you have problems logging in, please contact or download the printable form below to renew your membership! Validated applicants will continue to accrue tenure toward Life Member status.
To Renew Online CLICK HERE to login to your account or you can download paper application and follow the instructions.
For additional information on WWOA membership please e-mail us!